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Would you like to Fast-Track your online business success?
Watch the video now to discover (Not Available Anywhere Else)
How to attract & achieve extreme wealth and power in today’s chaotic business world… 

Who Else Wants To Get Their Hands On The Most Exclusive & Invite Only LIVE Event Recordings Sharing EverythingFrom Zero To $1Million In Less Than 3 Years?

10 People Flew From All Over The World & Invested $5,000 EACH To Attend The Ultra Exclusive Get Money LIVE Mastermind.

I'd like to give you the entire recordings of this entire event for literally less than $500.
Why? I'm on a mission to create 100 New Millionaire Students, 1,000 New Six Figure Students in the next 3 years.
Would you like to become my next success story?
When most people try to go it alone, and come up with a kick-butt sales funnel...they fail. But I’m here to tell you…It’s not your fault.
Because the ‘gurus’ trying to sell you their latest product can make more money by only telling you half the story...and saving the rest for their next overpriced course.
Because when you don’t have a degree in computer science, the internet can seem like the new ‘wild west’ of business (and it often is…) where the regular laws of business don’t apply, and nothing makes any sense at all.
Because nothing you’ve studied so far has prepared you in any way to create a genuinely profitable sales funnel...not your previous business experience...not your professors or lecturers...and certainly not school.
If you’ve ever wondered if those who are successful have a secret weapon...something which gives them an enormous edge over anyone and everyone else in their niche...something that makes it just about impossible for the uninitiated to succeed...you’re right!
Without the critical information they’re keeping from you, the odds are stacked way against you ever getting rich online. (This is why so many people try...and give up in frustration).
The thing to remember is: I am different - I revealed ALL my million dollar funnel secrets at a recent iGetMoneyLive event and I am now going to send them all to YOU!

FIRST TIME EVER:I Get Money Live Event Recordings All Yours..
Now available in high-quality videos - for the first and only time, the event where I literally revealed EVERYTHING so you can model every part of my Multiple
6-figure-per-month business

  • ​Now available in high-quality digital access available - for the first and only time, the event where I literally revealed EVERYTHING so you can model every part of my 6-figure-per-month business
  • ​Get in quick - only 100 sets available - and no more will ever be released! This means YOU will be one of the 'chosen few' to have these special DVDs in your possession...giving you an unfair advantage online
  • ​REVEALED: Every single secret I've discovered about building out cash-spitting sales funnels that are almost CERTAIN to boost your response and make you independently wealthy online
  • ​No theory allowed - this is all based on years of testing, generating hordes of traffic and getting tons of leads, sales and profits
  • ​Includes everything revealed at the event which was hailed as “historic” … “phenomenal” … “life-changing” by industry leaders
  • ​Guaranteed to be worth at least 10 times your investment...or you pay nothing
  • ​Free bonuses when you respond now - probably the most powerful tool ever discovered for systematically boosting your response in every promotion you’ll ever run

These wonderful students of mine travelled thousands of miles to gain invaluable insights from this event, you have a chance to grab these golden nuggets sitting at home at your own convenience...

Becca Barry (NASA) - USA, Texas

Susan Stokes - France, Paris

Azeem Diwan - UK, London

David Willian - USA, Georgia

I Also Want To Give You A Few Other Tools To Help You On Your Journey As You Evolve Into The Expert You Need To Become...

FREE Bonus 1 ($427 Value)

Printed Manuals - Full Length, Professionally Edited Transcriptions (Digital Version)

The other way I wanted to sweeten this deal is to give you the printed manuals of the event as well! I went out and paid for thorough, accurate transcriptions of the entire 2 days to be done - and I’m giving these documents to you.
So if you like to read - and if you’re like me and like to make notes in the margin, circle and underline awesome stuff, even tear pages out and stick them on the wall. There’s definitely something to be said for the old ‘paper and ink’.
These are the complete transcriptions from both days.
Value: $295

FREE Bonus 2 ($497 Value)

20 Mins Free 1:1 Marketing Profit Finder (A Must Have For Any Business Owner)

How would you like to get a 20 Mins FREE Marketing Profit Finder Call 1:1 with my top business program advisor to help you identify and clarify where you're going wrong and fill in the missing gap for you. Use this to maximise your results. They have expertise in Facebook Ads, Sales Funnels & Automation.
$497.00 Value

Heres What The I Get Money Live Event Recordings Will Do For You...

 Finally get off the treadmill and start making some SERIOUS money online - if you’ve been making a dollar here, a couple of bucks there, and treating it like a ‘hobby’...you’re going to be amazed at the avalanche of cash which is about to flow your way

 I’ll give you my ‘perfect storm’ of subtle psychological triggers that quickly seduce your visitors into taking whatever action you want - whether that’s to sign up to an email list, buy a product, or join your membership program

 A unique situation that less than 1 in every 100 entrepreneurs finds themselves in - how I got there at that first event, and how it literally forced me to raise my standards and become rich 

 The all-powerful leverage factor which even the world’s smartest lecturers don’t have - but once you implement it into your business you can make serious money no matter what your intelligence or education level is

 How to master your business with the Art Of Delegation - getting others to do what I call ‘Lesser Mortal Crap’, freeing you up to keep growing your business

 The top 3 books that have helped me to make millions of dollars per year online...what they are and how to find the gold buried within them and get rich yourself

 How I learned to make good money on eBay with dropshipping - the principles and strategies I used which are easily applicable to your business, whatever it is

 The 1-2-3 step blueprint on how I went from virtually nothing at 22, to being a millionaire at 25 years old - and how you can follow the same path I created and live the good life

 My top-secret ‘copywriting spy’ technique which allowed me to closely study the sales letters, ads and videos of my most successful competitors - and model their work for my own business. (This short cut took YEARS off my marketing learning curve and saved me thousands of dollars...and I reveal ALL to you on these DVDs)

 Speed of implementation - this is an absolutely KEY principle you must factor into everything you do - and I reveal how you can use it to build your sales and profits faster

 Secrets from a $15,000 per person workshop in Costa Rica - online marketing tactics and strategies normally only EVER revealed to these high-paying event attendees...now yours

 My ‘affinity’ marketing strategy - how this principle allows me to truly understand my customers and therefore create perfectly matched products and offers they can’t HELP but buy every time you offer them

 Revealed: The structure I use in all my YouTube videos that gets people watching them, and gets them buying. This will be invaluable to help you create profitable videos

 Storytelling secrets...how you can use stories in your marketing to sell more and more products, even if you don’t think you’re one of those people who are ‘natural storytellers’

Plus The FREE Bonuses Worth An Additional $2,007

Total Value: $14,073.00

Get Started Today For:

HUGE 95% Discount!

Normal Price: $2,997.00

Just 1 Payment Of $497 Today!

You'll save a whopping $2,700

This Special Offer Is Only For 5 Day Funnel Challenge Clients. This Page Is NOT Public. Not Available For Sale ANYWHERE ELSE. Ends Soon...

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 ©2009 - @2022 Shaqir Hussyin